Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hooray for one year!!

So one year ago I married this charming lad:

He's the bestest!!!

After a year of marriage some of my thoughts on the matter are:

1. There's nothing like knowing you married someone who is so well suited to you and your personality.

2. It's handy that you often make up for what each other lacks.

3. It's awesome to be stuck with Matt forever! (And I know he's thankful to be stuck with me too.)

4. I am thankful for the opportunity to grow as an individual: nothing provides motivation for that quite like marriage does.

One year down, eternity to go!


  1. Such a beautiful wedding! I couldn't agree more with everything you said about wedded bliss. :) LOVE YOU!

  2. So I'm thinkin efy 09 was actually just about a week ago... when we all freaked out over your engagement pictures and the fact that you were getting married that month. Or at least that's what it feels like. [: I love reading your blog!
